
Hello SHAPE Colorado Members,

On behalf of SHAPE Colorado, I would like to welcome you to our 2024 Convention.  We are excited to offer our Pre-Convention Workshops on Sunday, October 6, and daily Conventions session on Monday and Tuesday, October 7 & 8.  The SHAPE Colorado Board has worked hard to create a convention line-up that is sure to educate, engage and excite you so you can better serve our profession and students.  

Be sure to stop by and visit the exhibitors; don’t forget to place your bids on the various silent auction items, and fist bump a SHAPE Colorado Board member while you’re at it for all of their hard work.  We also hope you will join us for the Awards Ceremony on Monday, October 7, as we recognize several HPE champions. To Register for the 2024 SHAPE Colorado Convention (cvent.com).  

Looking forward to seeing you!

Becky Wylie
SHAPE Colorado President
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Monday, October 7

7:00am MDT

Wake Up Physical Activity Session - Zumba®
Monday October 7, 2024 7:00am - 7:45am MDT
Good morning! Rise and shine to kickstart your day with some movement. Join your fellow SHAPECO members for a fun and interactive Zumba® session led by Shannon Milliken. Let's get moving and have a great time together!

Shannon Millken

I am a former physical education teacher and Past President of SHAPE Colorado. My passion has shifted over the years to being about using best, first instruction and best teaching practices to increase student learning, to serving, leading and advocating in the field of physical education... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 7:00am - 7:45am MDT
Aurora I

8:00am MDT

Health.Moves.Minds powered by Booster
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
A session will be held on the new fundraising program to support SHAPE America, SHAPE Colorado, and your program!  Exciting new partnership that will benefit your program...check it out!
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room VIII

8:00am MDT

Help Build Stronger School and State-Level Physical Education Policies for Colorado
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Strong policies improve conditions for quality PE program delivery. A multiyear national surveillance project was launched to track PE policy implementation. Session attendees will learn about this project and ways to advocate for PE in Colorado.
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room V

8:00am MDT

TAGG ACADEMY – Introducing Math and Literacy into Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
In this interactive session, learn to integrate Math and Literacy into PE using TAGG-ED® balls with letters and symbols, enhancing ""Whole Child Education." Discover how TAGG-ED® tools like Bowling Mats and Ball Holders promote active learning, engagement, fun, and social-emotional development through active play.
avatar for Tim Taggart

Tim Taggart

TAGG TIME offers customized solutions to meet your needs. Whether district-wide training or specialized topic sessions, we create a personalized professional development plan aligning with SHAPE AMERICA and State standards. Invest in your professional growth with TAGG TIME to unlock... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Aurora IV

8:00am MDT

Yoga & Mindfulness for Positive Mental Health
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
A traditional range of motion warm-up presented in yoga style, easy postures practiced to strengthen core and increase flexibility for youth, basic breathing 101 for participants to understand, mindfulness, relaxation and visualization offered to calm the emotional body allowing for mental wellness. Options for special needs students presented.

Session Description:

  • Yoga Postures for physical strength & flexibility 
  • Breath Training to increase mental focus 
  • Mindful Practices to balance emotions
avatar for Dee Marie, MA, CYT

Dee Marie, MA, CYT

Director, CALMING KIDS (CK): Creating a Non-Violent World
Dee was a professional dancer in NYC injured on the streets by a taxi cab. Told she would never walk again, Dee turned to rehabilitation, meditation and yoga. Teaching movement, mindfulness and relaxation to all ages and abilities for the past 40 years. Dee loves the power and strength... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room I

8:00am MDT

A Think-Feel-Do Thermostat Model for Better Mental Health
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
This visual can help both teachers and students see the important relationships between thoughts, feelings and behavior, where they are emotionally and behaviorally at any moment, the cognitive reasons they are there, where they want to be emotionally and behaviorally instead, and what it will take cognitively to get there.

Ray Mathis

Mental Health Educator (retired health teacher), Chicago Institute for Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room VII

8:00am MDT

Heart Zones and win Homeball 360
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Learn how to justify your effort and participation grade with MVPA data from veteran Physical Educator Sandy Moore, MOSHAPE 2019 President. An active session with Homeball360 using Heart Zone sensors that provide instant live data and win a free Homeball360 set. FUN with SMART PE!

Session Objectives:
  • MVPA
  • Differentiated learning
  • Safety 
avatar for Sandy Moore

Sandy Moore

Sales Professional, HeartZones
Heart Zones Inc leads the Smart Physical Education movement to use heart rate and step tracking monitors to motivate, engage, and empower healthy 21st century students.Sandy Moore is a veteran Physical Educator of 33 years. She is a retired physical educator (2017) from the Wentzville... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room VI

8:00am MDT

How To Teach and Engage Post Pandemic Pupils
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
In this session we will address teaching practices specific to post pandemic behaviors through literacy, interpersonal skills, and physical activity. Within education, engaging students through movement is more important than ever. We hope you gain some simple tools to implement in your programs that will begin to address these challenges.

Session Description:

  • Participants will learn strategies to directly teach social interaction with positive responses through the “Empathy Project.” 
  • Participants will engage and practice low equipment, simple activities to increase student participation in physical education class.
  • Participants will learn direct, instructional practices for teaching expectations, student to student problem solving, and managing challenging behaviors.

avatar for Tia Ziegler

Tia Ziegler

K-8 Physical Education Teacher, Chappelow K-8 Arts School
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Aurora III

8:00am MDT

Omnikin: Have a BALL with Action-Packed Fun for All!
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Need cooperative and community-building activities that include fitness and skill development? Omnikin has you covered! This exhilarating session will feature highlights of our lightweight and non-threatening dynamic 14”-48” balls that’ll generate excitement in your PE classroom like you’ve never seen before! Your students will have a BALL!

Session Objectives:

  • Attendees will learn dynamic cooperative games to infuse excitement and teamwork into their classrooms
  • Attendees will learn fun and effective classroom management strategies throughout the session
  • Attendees will discuss and modify activities to be more effective in their respective classrooms
avatar for Scotty Williams

Scotty Williams

2823 Milton Road
Scott Williamse-mail: coordinationusa@omnikin.com(434) 806-59905Need cooperative and community-building activities that include fitness and skill development? Omnikin has you covered! This exhilarating session will feature highlights of our lightweight and nonthreatening dynamic 14... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Aurora I

9:00am MDT

Life Success, the Proven Blueprint
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Human thriving depends on relational health, yet people are often left to figure out how to establish healthy relationships without a road map. Technology enables access to limitless information; however, information alone is not enough to change behavior. Like any other skill, managing human relationships requires knowledge, resources, and information, and each must be practiced and applied. What we learn about relationships is often gained solely through observation of other people. Unfortunately, the patterns we observe are not always healthy ones. This form of learning leaves generations vulnerable to repeating toxic cycles and robbing themselves of the experience of deep, and loving relationships. This content fills the gap by providing tools and guidance for developing healthy connections. 

Session Objeectives:

  • Provide proven tools for building, maintaining and improving healthy connections and relationship satisfaction
  • Unpack the root cause approach of many societal struggles
  • Create pathways for preventing relational discord and social division 
  • Demonstrate physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and financial benefits of healthy connection

Lauren’s interest in relationship skills began when her parents divorced after almost 20 years of marriage. Seeking to understand better patterns for her own future legacy, she earned a bachelor's degree in communication studies from TCU. Lauren is the author of In Their Shoes, a book dedicated to helping parents better understand and connect with children of divorce. Her newest book, Relationship Essentials, released November 16th, 2021 and features skills to help people feel heard, fight fair, and set boundaries in all areas of life. Lauren’s vocational speaking experience spans over 15 years, teaching a variety of relationship skills to teens, adults and corporate teams. She recognizes relationships are one of life’s most important assets and energizes a room to prioritize the people in their lives. She and her husband, Josh, love adventures with their three children. All Colorado natives, they are avid skiers, outdoor enthusiasts and Broncos’ fans.


Lauren Reitsema

The Center for Relationship Education
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room I

9:00am MDT

CO Higher Ed Roundtable
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
We’re bringing back an old tradition of gathering higher ed faculty in CO for a roundtable discussion on current topics and space for faculty to network.

Session Objectives:

1. Faculty networking 
2. Higher Ed community building
3. Problem of practice and solution generation 

Dr. Nhu Nguyen

Professor, MSU
avatar for Dr. Kanae Haneshi

Dr. Kanae Haneshi

Associate Professor, Western Colorado University
I moved from North Dakota where I was the Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Human Performance and the program coordinator for Physical Education and Teacher Education (PETE) at Valley City State University. Prior to teaching in North Dakota, I was in Massachusetts where I was... Read More →
avatar for Jennifer Krause

Jennifer Krause

Associate Professor of PE & PA Leadership, University of Northern Colorado
Jennifer Krause is an Associate Professor of Physical Education and Physical Activity Leadership at the University of Northern Colorado.  Teaching and research interests include technology infusion into physical and health education and promoting physical activity in K-12 school... Read More →
avatar for Brian Dauenhauer

Brian Dauenhauer

Professor, University of Northern Colorado
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room VII

9:00am MDT

A Practioners Guide to Student Safety & Supervision
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
This session utilizes case studies and scenario protocols to reveal practical steps teachers can take to help ensure a safe environment for students to learn.

Session Objectives:
  • Given a typical school-based scenario, participants can identify the potential hazards to student safety, and how to mitigate risk.  
  • Participants will identify their duty to student health & safety in their role as teacher.  
  • Participants recognize the elements of an effective safety plan.

avatar for David Yonkie

David Yonkie

K-12 Physical Education Coordinator, Jefferson County Schools
Dave Yonkie is beginning his thirtieth year in public education, and has more than forty years experience coaching youth sports.  Prior to his current role as K-12 P.E. Coordinator for JeffCo Schools, Dave honed his teaching skills as an elementary P.E. teacher in Arvada, Colorado... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room V

9:00am MDT

Lean Into Change: Strategies for Creating a Culture of Belonging
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Join the presenter on her journey, as she shares her experiences and learnings from being a person of color, growing up in a white world, with a privileged lens.  All situations are examples of what students can face on a daily basis that should be taken into consideration when planning, implementing, assessing and promoting physical education/physical activity programs. Her ability to talk authentically about trauma, race and privilege creates a space where adults can truly empathize with the challenges and struggles that children/students face on a daily basis.

Her story will change the way you see children enter your classrooms, schools and programs. Her story will change the way you show up in conversations and how you engage with other individuals. Her story will make you more compassionate, more empathetic and more aware of how to be intentional in creating equitable and inclusive environments. Participants will leave with tangible strategies on how to create environments that promote diversity and belonging.

Participants will be able to:

1) Identify a vulnerable population or under-represented group that you feel you could be more intentional with creating a more inclusive environment in physical education/physical activity settings?

2) Identify one to four strategies for creating a culture of belonging.

3) Identify at least two considerations to take back to your school/team/program to ensure the physical education/physical activity programming you offer will be more equitable, diverse and inclusive; ultimately, creating a sense of belonging for all?


Shannon Millken

I am a former physical education teacher and Past President of SHAPE Colorado. My passion has shifted over the years to being about using best, first instruction and best teaching practices to increase student learning, to serving, leading and advocating in the field of physical education... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room VIII

9:00am MDT

Street Racket
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
This activity session will introduce you to an exciting activity from Switzerland. Their motto "Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere". This game is a great addition to your net/wall curriculum.  https://streetracket.co/pages/about.   

Session Objectives:

  • Make connections to other racket/paddles sports. 
  • Discuss inclusion for all skill levels and physical disabilities. 
  • Expose our educators to an international activity and discuss a philosophy on exposing our students to international games/sports. 

avatar for Kristin Gilmore

Kristin Gilmore

Physical Education Teacher, Kearney Middle School
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Aurora I

9:00am MDT

The FUNdamentals of Juggling
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
The FUNdamentals of Juggling session is an introduction presentation to engage and encourage teachers to incorporate Juggling in their PE program. During this session, teachers will learn how to create the foundation of a juggling unit, technology inclusion, identify different levels/modifications/assessments, and practice the art of Juggling!

By the end of The FUNdamentals of Juggling session you will be able to…
  • Have a foundational understanding of how to incorporate a juggling unit in your PE program
  • Incorporate technology within a juggling unit 
  • Identify different levels, modifications, and assessment for your juggling unit
  • Demonstrate Juggling skills through practice

avatar for Bryson Davis

Bryson Davis

Physical Education Teacher K-5 Ridgeview Elementary
My name is Bryson Davis and this will be my second year teaching K-5 Physical Education at Ridgeveiw Elementary in Craig, CO. I am a current SHAPE CO board member. I have a bachelors in Sports and Exercise Science with an emphasis in Physical Education and a minor in Human Services... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Aurora III

9:00am MDT

Inclusive Pickleball
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
 "Inclusive Pickleball" will explore inclusion as an intersubjective experience through practical adaptations in pickleball. The session will cover adapted equipment, rule changes, and tips to ensure meaningful participation for all students. Topics include lighter paddles, larger balls, simplified rules, and integrating assistive technology to enhance engagement and accessibility. 

Session Objectives:

  • Implement Adapted Equipment: Participants will learn how to use and modify pickleball equipment, such as lighter paddles and larger balls, to accommodate players with diverse abilities.
  • Apply Inclusive Rule Changes: Participants will explore rule modifications that make pickleball more accessible and engaging for all students, ensuring meaningful participation.
  • Integrate Assistive Technology: Participants will understand how to incorporate assistive technology into pickleball activities to enhance engagement and accessibility for students with disabilities. 


Matthew Barker

Adapted P.E. Teacher, Fairfax County PS/ EnrichEd LLC
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Aurora IV

9:00am MDT

RAMP Up the Warm-Up
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Using RAMP warm-up principles, we can close the gap between the end of a warm-up and beginning of a performance, as student performances respond better if their systems are appropriately activated. The RAMP warm-up also incorporates fundamental movement skills, foundational skills, and movement competencies as they enhance overall student development.


1)    Attendees will learn about the RAMP principles of a warm-up as it relates to a K-12 physical education class, coaching a practice or pre-game session, or leading into a fitness workout.
2) Attendees will expand a RAMP warm-up to create their own “bank” of exercises/movements to craft an effective warm-up and ultimately into a usable RAMPAGE framework to assist in structuring a class, practice, or workout session.
3)    Attendees will use the RAMP principles and participate in a sample warm-up framework.

Christopher J. Hecht

K-12 Physical Education Teacher, Kiowa School District C-2
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room II

9:00am MDT

Teaching Students to be Active for a Lifetime
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
This session will talk about curriculum choices and implementation at the secondary level. The emphasis will be on giving students the tools they need to actually stay active after high school. This will include teaching students how to use their heart rate to set fitness goals that are appropriate for them.

Session Objectives:

1. Help secondary teachers understand that teaching team games and sports is not very conductive to fitness after high school.
2. Help teachers identify ways they can incorporate more lifetime fitness in their curriculum.
3. Help teachers understand how to both take and utilize heart rate goals to expand upon lifetime fitness goals with students.

Lindsay Alguire

Doherty High School
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room VI

9:50am MDT

First Time Attendee Meet, Greet, and Ask Questions
Monday October 7, 2024 9:50am - 10:05am MDT
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow first-time attendees at the SHAPECO conference! Embrace the chance to immerse yourself in the conference experience, make new friends, and explore all the exciting learning opportunities awaiting you. Don't hesitate to ask questions and engage with others - this is your moment to shine and make the most out of this experience!
Monday October 7, 2024 9:50am - 10:05am MDT
Aurora II

9:50am MDT

Break & Visit Exhibitors
Monday October 7, 2024 9:50am - 10:20am MDT
It's the perfect opportunity to explore all the wonderful exhibits and meet some fantastic new people! Get ready to make meaningful connections with fellow attendees.
Monday October 7, 2024 9:50am - 10:20am MDT
Exhibitors Area

10:20am MDT

Be THE Change: Understanding Diversity and Inclusion and How it Leads to Equity
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Join the presenter in this brave space to learn more about common terminology that is being used in equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) conversations.  Terms such as stereotypes, microaggressions, implicit bias, prejudice and privilege will be defined and given context in how to use appropriately and effectively to advocate for intentional diversity and inclusion, all which lead to the overall outcome of equity.  Our most vulnerable youth and marginalized populations/groups, students, in YOUR classroom, need YOU!  It starts with YOU, to be the change we want to see in the world!  

Shannon Millken

I am a former physical education teacher and Past President of SHAPE Colorado. My passion has shifted over the years to being about using best, first instruction and best teaching practices to increase student learning, to serving, leading and advocating in the field of physical education... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room VIII

10:20am MDT

Storybook Yoga
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Improve literacy through movement by participating in a yoga demonstration. Learn how to tell a story using basic yoga moves. Not only will you help your students improve body awareness and coordination, but you will help strengthen focus and concentration muscles. Receive resources and sample plans to get you started.  
Session Objectives:
  • Attendees will be able to design their own yoga sequence while telling or retelling a story. 
  • Attendees will be able to combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills to improve students' flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health.
  • Attendees will be able to create interdisciplinary lessons that will align with what students are already learning in their homerooms while incorporating mindful movement and breathing. 

avatar for Heather Wirch

Heather Wirch

St. Anne's Episcopal School, 4th Grade Teacher/Middle School Coach
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room I

10:20am MDT

Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Join us for an action-packed workshop featuring team games that are class oriented, teacher friendly, and align with national physical education standards. These high-energy games are sure to get students moving while also keeping them engaged. We won’t just be playing games though; you'll also learn classroom management and skill development strategies that you can take home and implement in your program. Get ready to sweat, learn and have fun!

Session Objectives:
  • Understanding and Implementing Class-Oriented Team Games
  • Enhancing Classroom Management Skills
  • Improving Skill Development Techniques 

Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room VI

10:20am MDT

ACTION! Team Games to Boost Engagement
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Join us for an action-packed workshop featuring team games that are class oriented, teacher friendly, and align with national physical education standards. These high-energy games are sure to get students moving while also keeping them engaged. We won’t just be playing games though; you'll also learn classroom management and skill development strategies that you can take home and implement in your program. Get ready to sweat, learn and have fun!

Session Objectives:
  • Understanding and Implementing Class-Oriented Team Games
  • Enhancing Classroom Management Skills
  • Improving Skill Development Techniques 

avatar for Lincoln Monroe

Lincoln Monroe

Territory Sales Manager, Gopher Sport
Contact:Lincoln Monroe, Territory Sales Manager, 2525 Lemond St SW, Owatonna, MN 55060Description:Gopher is proud to supply physical educators in Indiana with quality equipment to support their program goals. When you choose Gopher, you’ll always receive exceptional customer care... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Aurora I

10:20am MDT

Experience the IHT ZONE Heart Rate Monitors while playing a fast-paced game designed for MVPA!
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Experience the IHT ZONE heart rate monitor and the real-time, individualized feedback it delivers to students and teachers. To simulate your classroom setting, participants will wear the IHT ZONE while playing a fast-paced game! Learn how the IHT ZONE monitor empowers students to take ownership of their health and delivers data that connects parents, teachers and students through daily reports and links to PE and SEL/Mindfulness activities. 

Session Objectives:
  • Showcase HR monitors in PE program with activity that simulated classroom environment
  • Discuss how IHT Heart Rate monitors can impact students in PE and all day self-regulation 
  • Introduce Assessments capabilities for school and district reporting  

avatar for Brandon Wolff

Brandon Wolff

Customer Success Manager, Interactive Health Technologies
An accomplished teacher, coach and educational leader in Kansas, Brandon was an IHT customer and advisor before joining IHT. As both Account Manager and Customer Success Manager, he works closely with teachers, schools, and districts to maximize and expand their use of IHT. In 2014... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Aurora IV

10:20am MDT

From Implicit to Explicit: Practical applications of NEW Standards 3 and 4- Social and Personal Skills
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Presenters will discuss the new SHAPE America Standards 3 and 4 focusing on practical applications of developing social skills and personal skills objectives in meaningful, explicit, and relevant ways.  Participants will also be engaged in dialogue how to move beyond implicit teaching of these standards in culturally relevant and with best practices in mind.

Session Objectives:
  • Reflection of past, current and future best and culturally relevant practices
  • Assessment of centering the student/s and whole child approach
  • Create purposeful lessons that explicitly teach social and personal skills  


Dr. Nhu Nguyen

Professor, MSU
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room V

10:20am MDT

Maximizing Movement: Five for Live (K-12)
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Experience activities that engage and educate students on how to be physically literate for life! Take part in quality lessons built with inclusive warm-ups, exciting activities, and purposeful cool-downs to meet multiple objectives simultaneously.

Session Objectives:
  • Demonstrate inclusive warm-ups that prepare the body for active learning. 
  • Discuss and show best practices on content integration. 
  • Use innovative equipment to engage all students. 

avatar for Ron Malm

Ron Malm

School Health
Director of Education and Curriculum at School Health. Started Focused Fitness in 2001 and co-wrote the Five for Life Program and co-developed WELNET Software. Provided presentations on Early Learning, After School, and K-12 PE and Health since 1998. Goal is to provide students with... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room II

10:20am MDT

Sports Education Mode
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
The Sports Education Model (SEM) is a pedagogical framework designed to enhance the teaching and learning of physical education by mimicking the structure and experiences of authentic sports. Developed by Daryl Siedentop in the late 1980s, this model aims to provide students with a more engaging, enjoyable, and educational experience in PE classes. This is an old method but I hope to share my experience with it and some teaching ideas that I brought to it. 

Session Objectives:
  • Learning target #1 Understanding the structure and components of the sports education model.
  • Learning target #2 Implementing the sports education model in Physical Education classes.
  • Learning target #3 Enhancing student engagement and learning through authentic experiences.  


Seth Luebbe

Teacher/Coach, Riverside Middle School
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room VII

10:20am MDT

Tandem Games, Sport and Fitness
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Join us for an action-packed workshop featuring team games that are class oriented, teacher friendly, and align with national physical education standards. These high-energy games are sure to get students moving while also keeping them engaged. We won’t just be playing games though; you'll also learn classroom management and skill development strategies that you can take home and implement in your program. Get ready to sweat, learn and have fun!

Session Objectives:
  • Understanding and Implementing Class-Oriented Team Games
  • Enhancing Classroom Management Skills
  • Improving Skill Development Techniques 

Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Aurora III

11:20am MDT

Interactive Round Table Group Discussions in Health and Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
Choose your own adventure! This is a fantastic opportunity to gather in small groups and have engaging discussions about topics related to health and physical education.

  • All Things SHAPE – Want to know more about being on the SHAPE Colorado board or committees? Are you curious about SHAPE America committees or SIGS?
  • All About Grad School – Are you thinking about pursuing your master’s or doctorate?
  • So, I’m Teaching Weight Training – How can SHAPE Colorado support you more? Come share thoughts, ideas, suggestions and other things regarding teaching weight training.
  • Work Life Balance –  How do you balance your work and life? Do you have a wellness room for staff at your school? Come share thoughts and ideas with your peers.
  • All Things Elementary – Do you teach elementary? Are you a PETE student and thinking about teaching elementary? Come build community with your fellow elementary peers.
  • All Things Secondary  – Do you teach secondary? Are you a PETE student and thinking about teaching secondary? Come build community with your fellow secondary peers.
  • Mentoring and Mentorship – Do you mentor students? Do you want to start mentoring students? Come find out more and share best practices.
  • Curious About Research and Publishing? – Have you ever thought about submitting a piece for a journal submission? We will share tips and best practices to get you on your way.
  • All Things New Standards– Come and share tips and concerns, and ideas with the new standards.
  • Social media – Do you know how to use social media to promote your class? What about using Canva? Do you use other platforms programs, and what about podcasts? Come share your thoughts, suggestions, questions and what works for you with your peers.

Monday October 7, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
Aurora II

12:10pm MDT

Lunch and Exhibitors
Monday October 7, 2024 12:10pm - 1:10pm MDT
Join in and mingle with other participants while enjoying a delicious buffet style lunch provided by SHAPECO!
Monday October 7, 2024 12:10pm - 1:10pm MDT
Aurora II

1:15pm MDT

Just Adapt It. Tips and resources for A.P.E
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
"Just Adapt It" will focus on using everyday items like pool noodles, yoga mats, and PVC pipes to adapt physical education activities for students with diverse needs. The presentation will highlight practical strategies, showcase adapted equipment, and share free resources available at JustAdaptIt.com to create inclusive and engaging PE experiences. Session Objectives: "Utilize Everyday Items for Adaptation: Participants will learn how to use common items such as pool noodles, yoga mats, and PVC pipes to create adaptive physical education activities that meet the needs of all students.

Implement Inclusive Strategies: Participants will explore practical strategies to adapt PE activities, ensuring inclusivity and engagement for students with diverse abilities.

Access and Share Free Resources: Participants will be introduced to the free resources available at JustAdaptIt.com, enhancing their ability to provide inclusive and adaptive PE experiences."

Matthew Barker

Adapted P.E. Teacher, Fairfax County PS/ EnrichEd LLC
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room II

1:15pm MDT

Engaging the Masses in PE Class
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
60+ students, and 45 minutes? No problem, when you’ve learned to manage the masses in PE class with our tips,
tricks, and strategies! Leave with strategies to enhance classroom management practices, assess more efficiently,
and accommodate all learning styles while maximizing instruction through the incorporation of technology!

Session Objectives:

  • Enhance classroom management with strategies to support instruction;
  • Incorporate ways to utilize technology as a support for all learners;
  • Participate in activities that engage large groups of students.

avatar for Ashley Cates

Ashley Cates

Health and Physical Education Training Specialist, QuaverEd
Kera Williams is a Health and Physical Education Training Specialist at QuaverEd. Kera holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Stephen F. Austin State University. Prior to joining the QuaverEd team, Kera spent 24 years as a Physical Educator in Texas.
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room I

1:15pm MDT

How to hook ‘em; Strategies for effective mentorship and socialization into the profession.
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Learn strategies to engage preservice teachers through effective mentorship and socialization. Discover practical ways for higher education faculty and K-12 professionals to foster supportive environments, in working towards pre-service teachers' long-term commitment to the field. Hook the future of education by involving those who aren't in the room yet.
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room VIII

1:15pm MDT

Building Kinder, Healthier Futures with Students & School Communities
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
The health. moves. minds.® service-learning program offers educational resources to teach positive health behavior skills, including being physically active & kind, show gratitude, how to manage stress, achieving confidence & helping others. This session will introduce participants to SHAPE America’s HMM Fundraiser and SEL resources to help students & school communities thrive!

Veronica Becerra

Graduate Assistant/PhD Candidate, University of Northern Colorado
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room VI

1:15pm MDT

Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Introduction to CORE PE curriculum system based on the NEW K-12 SHAPEAM standards. This program accounts for your teaching variables helping you design high quality PE while saving planning time when using skill breakdowns and the assessment system, making teaching more enjoyable. Free program giveaways!
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room V

1:15pm MDT

Every "Body" Is Built to Move with Meaningful Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Make Physical Education and movement experiences meaningful and help your students fall in love with it. Join us in learning, moving and finding your JOY! Let's get our MOVE on!

Session Objectives:

  • Learn what Meaningful Physical Education means
  • Apply Meaningful Physical Education to your lessons for tomorrow!
  • Find you JOY in sharing the love of Physical Education! 

avatar for Jo Dixon

Jo Dixon

District Coordinator for Health and Physical Education-Poudre School District
Jo (Jonette) Dixon is currently the District Coordinator for Physical and Health Education in the Poudre School District in Fort Collins, COJo has taught Physical Education for 24 years at the middle and high school levels in Colorado and Missouri, and spent 2 years as a District... Read More →
avatar for Jen Smith

Jen Smith

Introduction to DPS Arts & Physical Education, Denver Public Schools
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Aurora I

1:15pm MDT

Long-Term Athletic Development – Considerations for K-12 Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
From implementing a warm-up to creating a teaching session framework to programming a fitness unit, this presentation will provide a common-sense approach to implement long-term athletic development (LTAD) principles into classes beginning with the youth age groups and building outward to older student populations. 

Christopher J. Hecht

K-12 Physical Education Teacher, Kiowa School District C-2
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room VII

1:15pm MDT

Practical Application of Motor Learning Concepts for Physical Educators
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
In this session, physical educators will learn how to apply basic Motor Learning concepts and why they are important in the development of a Physically Active child/adult. 

Session Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to Demonstrate the application of Motor Learning concepts throughout their Physical Education curriculum. 
  • Participants will be to design skill development learning experiences that apply Motor Learning concepts.
  • Participants will be able to discuss how the application of Motor Learning concepts enhances neuromuscular and movement skill development.

Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Aurora IV

1:15pm MDT

Using 11+ Spectrum Teaching Styles to Promote Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) in Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Explore diverse teaching approaches to promote Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) in PE. Learn to leverage over 11 teaching styles to create inclusive environments, adapt activities for diverse learners, and foster social justice values, empowering educators to champion equity and diversity in physical education.

Session Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) and its relevance in the context of physical education.
  • Explore at least 11 teaching styles and their potential applications to promote JEDI principles in physical education settings.
  • Gain practical strategies and tools to effectively implement diverse teaching styles to create inclusive learning environments that honor equity, diversity, and inclusion in physical education classes.  

avatar for Dr. Kanae Haneshi

Dr. Kanae Haneshi

Associate Professor, Western Colorado University
I moved from North Dakota where I was the Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Human Performance and the program coordinator for Physical Education and Teacher Education (PETE) at Valley City State University. Prior to teaching in North Dakota, I was in Massachusetts where I was... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Aurora III

2:15pm MDT

Unified Physical Education 101
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Learn strategies on how to start and improve Unified PE on your campus. Review best practices for implementation.

Session Objectives
  • How to start a unified PE program on your campus
  • Learn strategies for including and engaging different ability levels (athletes and partners alike)
  • Learn how to access support and resources from Special Olympics Colorado
avatar for Maricela Shukie

Maricela Shukie

Senior Director, Unified Champion Schools, Special Olympics Colorado
Inclusion and the power of sport to impact positive change!
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room VI

2:15pm MDT

A Fun and Safe way to Introduce Golf!
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
The game of Golf is difficult to learn; with Chappie Golf our Goal is to easily introduce all people to this beautiful game in a safe environment.   The player only needs only one club, and they have two choices of the ball to use.   The white plastic ball for short distance indoor or out (40-50 yards max).  The yellow foam ball for outside (100 yards max)
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Aurora IV

2:15pm MDT

CPW and NASP: Changing Lives, One Arrow at a Time
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
This session will cover the partnership between Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). We will provide an overview of the program, discuss how to get involved, and the importance of positive, supportive, and inclusive experiences for students.

Kellina Gilbreth

Statewide Education Content Specialist, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Born and raised in Colorado, Kellina Gilbreth has always felt at home in the great outdoors. After earning her geology degree, she spent 15 years teaching middle and high school earth and space science, as well as STEM, engineering and robotics. While teaching full time, she went... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room I

2:15pm MDT

Bringing the Classroom into the Physical Education Classroom
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
As Physical Educators, we are being tasked more and more with including elements of math, reading, writing, science etc. into our world.  In this session, I hope to demonstrate some ideas that have worked for me and might just work for others as well.

Session Objectives:

  • Ways to implement math.  
  • Using provisional writing as part of a circuit.  
  • Utilizing sports to teach students about geography. 

Johnny Ford

Elementary Physical Education Teacher, Sunset Elementary
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Aurora III

2:15pm MDT

Parent PE Week in Real Time
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Join us for "Parent PE Week in Real Time," a day-long livestream showcasing Parent PE Week. View classes from multiple angles, choose what to watch, and join our scheduled AMA to ask questions about the program. Experience firsthand how we engage students and parents in physical education!

Learning Targets:

Understand the Structure and Benefits of Parent PE Week: Participants will gain insight into how Parent PE Week is organized and the positive impact it has on student engagement and family involvement in physical education.

Experience Real-Time Classroom Dynamics: Participants will observe live PE classes from various angles, allowing them to understand the teaching methods, student interactions, and activities that make Parent PE Week successful.

Engage in Interactive Q&A: Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the AMA session, enhancing their knowledge of implementing a similar program and addressing any specific concerns or curiosities.

Ben Wells

Lü Ambassador, Bennett Ranch Elementary, Lü Intereactive Playground
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room VIII

2:15pm MDT

Sport Stacking with Speed Stacks
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
A fun-filled workshop highlighting the basic Sport Stacking patterns plus games, games and more games! Not just an activity for the classroom but an opportunity for your students to take Sport Stacking beyond the gym and into their own Sport. Learn the benefits of Sport Stacking through this high-energy, movement-based session. 

Session Objectives:
  • Attendees will learn the basic patterns of Sport Stacking. 
  • Attendees will learn a variety of grade based lessons and activities.
  • Attendees will learn the benefits and resources readily available to them to teach.

Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room II

2:15pm MDT

Teaching a simple formula for how life really can empower
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Most people believe that what others say and do, and what happens makes them feel the way they do. However, that’s not how life really works. Teaching them a simple formula for how life really unfolds can empower them to feel better and protect them from the attacks of others. 

1)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach students a simple formula for how life really unfolds
2)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach students how to use this formula to feel and behave better
3)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach students how to use this formula to protect themselves against the verbal and cyber attacks of others


Ray Mathis

Mental Health Educator (retired health teacher), Chicago Institute for Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room VII

2:15pm MDT

Colorado Area Health and Physical Education Coordinators LIVE
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Let's Talk! The Colorado Area Health and Physical Education Coordinators are live and in person to talk shop about all the things current in our schools. Some rad advice, hot topics and ways to take your programs to the next level.

Session Objectives:
  • Meaningful Health and Physical Education practices
  • Current trends in schools regarding Health and Physical Education
  • Ways to take your program to the next level
avatar for Jen Vidal

Jen Vidal

Health and Physical Education Coordinator, Cherry Creek School District
avatar for Jen Smith

Jen Smith

Introduction to DPS Arts & Physical Education, Denver Public Schools
avatar for Kristin Gilmore

Kristin Gilmore

Physical Education Teacher, Kearney Middle School
avatar for David Yonkie

David Yonkie

K-12 Physical Education Coordinator, Jefferson County Schools
Dave Yonkie is beginning his thirtieth year in public education, and has more than forty years experience coaching youth sports.  Prior to his current role as K-12 P.E. Coordinator for JeffCo Schools, Dave honed his teaching skills as an elementary P.E. teacher in Arvada, Colorado... Read More →
avatar for Jo Dixon

Jo Dixon

District Coordinator for Health and Physical Education-Poudre School District
Jo (Jonette) Dixon is currently the District Coordinator for Physical and Health Education in the Poudre School District in Fort Collins, COJo has taught Physical Education for 24 years at the middle and high school levels in Colorado and Missouri, and spent 2 years as a District... Read More →

Clay Stansberry

Health and Physical Education District Coordinator, Adams 12 Five Start Schools

Kelli Sisson

Harrisson District 12

Laurie Lacomb

Douglas County School District

Aubrey Yeh

Boulder Valley School District

Julianna Evans

Denver Public Schools

Kenny Webb

Aurora Public Schools

Ayme Zortman

Mesa County Schools D51
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room V

2:15pm MDT

21st Century Skills and Meaningful PE through Touch Rugby
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
The men’s and women’s Rugby World Cups are coming to the USA! Upper Elementary & Secondary PE teachers come experience the diverse, equitable and inclusive global lifetime activity of touch rugby. Learn how you can use it to create a meaningful PE experience for each of your students. This student-centered approach, builds physical literacy and is used as a vehicle for teaching the lifelong, 21 century skills & concepts students need well beyond your classroom

Session Objectives:
  • Identify elements of the meaningful PE framework as it can be applied to the lifelong sport oftouch rugby
  • Apply teaching games for understanding concepts and elements of the meaningful PE framework to other activities
  • Recognize the creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking benefits of using this instructional model and touch rugby as a diverse, equitable and inclusive global sport

Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Aurora I

3:05pm MDT

Break & Visit Exhibitors
Monday October 7, 2024 3:05pm - 3:35pm MDT
It's the perfect opportunity to explore all the wonderful exhibits and meet some fantastic new people! Get ready to make meaningful connections with fellow attendees.
Monday October 7, 2024 3:05pm - 3:35pm MDT
Exhibitors Area

3:35pm MDT

Early Learner Fitness: Fundamental Movements for Early Education (PreK-2)
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
It’s a no brainer! We know the brain and body work hand-in-hand.  But, did you know certain specific motor movements enhance learning Math and Literacy Skills?  How does doing toe touches help me read?  How does “Pretzel Arms” calm me and help me focus?  Integrated into these fun, purposeful activities designed to teach fitness and nutrition concepts are skills used to challenge the brain-body connection to build & improve essential academic skills.  Connections are made between classroom and HPE teachers and between the mind and body!

Session Objectives:

1. Provide examples on how physical activity can improve motor skill development and student behavior

2. Explain how movement positively impacts student learning and peer relationships

 3. Show how to set up motor sensory activity stations for the classroom, gym or outdoor space
avatar for Ron Malm

Ron Malm

School Health
Director of Education and Curriculum at School Health. Started Focused Fitness in 2001 and co-wrote the Five for Life Program and co-developed WELNET Software. Provided presentations on Early Learning, After School, and K-12 PE and Health since 1998. Goal is to provide students with... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Conference Room II

3:35pm MDT

At The Heart of It All
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Explore how the Kids Heart Challenge and American Heart Challenge resources can engage students, promote heart healthy lifestyles, and help you reach your State or National Physical Education Academic Standards. We will experience interactive games, share ideas, have giveaways, and show how you can use the AHA school programs to showcase your P.E. program to your principal, parents and district. Get ready to get moving and have some fun!

Session Objectives:

  • Learn how can the American Heart Association's school programs complement physical education lessons at school and reinforce the importance of heart healthy habits at home so students and families can live longer healthier lives. 
  • Does everyone in your community know the lifesaving skill of hands-only CPR? Students and families will have the opportunity to learn this lifesaving skill through participating in the American Heart Association’s school programs. 
  • Did you know that 1 in 100 babies are born with a congenital heart defect and that heart disease is the #1 killer worldwide. Kids Heart Challenge and American Heart Challenge teaches healthy lifestyle habits while providing the opportunity for communities to unite in support of the lifesaving mission of the American Heart Association and helps teach empathy and leadership through service learning.
avatar for American Heart Association

American Heart Association

Vice President, School Engagement - CO/WY, The American Heart Association
Information about our free program and resources
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Conference Room I

3:35pm MDT

Supporting Students During the Coming Out Process: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Explore the complexities of the coming out process, why it's challenging, and how each scenario is unique. We'll cover essential dos and don'ts for supporting students, with an emphasis on creating inclusive PE environments. If time permits, engage in small group discussions on supporting individuals in health/PE during their coming out journey.
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Conference Room V

3:35pm MDT

Is my health class actually skills-based?
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
In this session, we will focus on the structures and practices we use to help students take ownership of the health skills. We will introduce the workshop model as a template for lesson design and individualize instruction through conferring.

Session Objectives:

1. I can structure a lesson using workshop model
2. I can use conferring to gauge student understanding of a health skill or topic
3. I can articulate how workshop model protects time for conferring
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Conference Room VII

3:35pm MDT

SPARK Your Students' Activity Levels Through Disguised Fitness Activities!
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Don’t miss this active, fun-filled session! Need more activities and strategies to keep your students moving? Want your students to leave your class sweating, not even realizing how much they were moving? Leave with modified games and activities to ensure high MVPA and learning plus chance to win Gopher equipment! 

Session Objectives:

*Leave with at least three strategies to increase MVPA
*Leave with at least three activities/lessons to ensure high MVPA.
*Leave with modifications & inclusionary strategies to support differentiation for all students.

Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Aurora IV

3:35pm MDT

The Power of Student Choice in K-12 Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Giving students choices in what they learn, how they learn it, and how they are assessed leads to a sense of autonomy and can increase motivation. This session will introduce basic strategies for integrating student choice into K-12 PE programs.   

Session Descriptions:

(1) Participants will be able to identify strategies for building student choice into the physical education curriculum
(2) Participants will be able to identify strategies for building student choice into learning experiences
(3) Participants will be able to identify strategies for building student choice into physical education assessments  ​​​​

avatar for Brian Dauenhauer

Brian Dauenhauer

Professor, University of Northern Colorado
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Aurora III

3:35pm MDT

Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
This middle school PE teacher LOVES Tchoukball. Come play and see how this educator fully involves all of her middle school students in this awesome sport. 

Session Objectives:
  • Discuss the value of exposing students to sports that are non-tradtional for Americans. 
  • Practice a full progression of skills and tactics that allow all students to feel successful. 
  • Leave the session feeling motivated to teach the game to your students. 
avatar for Kristin Gilmore

Kristin Gilmore

Physical Education Teacher, Kearney Middle School
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Aurora I

3:35pm MDT

Thirdspace Movement Model to Promote Inclusion and Social Justice in Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Delve into the groundbreaking Thirdspace Movement Model from the 2023 JOPERD article. Explore practical applications to foster inclusion and social justice in physical education. Gain insights on adapting curriculum and practices, empowering educators to create equitable and transformative learning environments.

Session Objectives:

1) Understand the principles and framework of the Thirdspace Movement Model as outlined in the 2023 JOPERD article.
2) Explore practical strategies for implementing the Thirdspace Movement Model to promote inclusivity and social justice within physical education settings.
3) Gain insights on adapting existing curriculum and practices to align with the principles of the Thirdspace Movement Model, empowering educators to create more equitable learning environments.

avatar for Dr. Kanae Haneshi

Dr. Kanae Haneshi

Associate Professor, Western Colorado University
I moved from North Dakota where I was the Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Human Performance and the program coordinator for Physical Education and Teacher Education (PETE) at Valley City State University. Prior to teaching in North Dakota, I was in Massachusetts where I was... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Conference Room VI

4:25pm MDT

Break & Visit Exhibitors
Monday October 7, 2024 4:25pm - 5:00pm MDT
It's the perfect opportunity to explore all the wonderful exhibits and meet some fantastic new people! Get ready to make meaningful connections with fellow attendees.
Monday October 7, 2024 4:25pm - 5:00pm MDT
Exhibitors Area

4:30pm MDT

Past President Social
Monday October 7, 2024 4:30pm - 5:15pm MDT
Monday October 7, 2024 4:30pm - 5:15pm MDT
Regency Club 2nd floor

6:00pm MDT

Dinner and Awards Banquet
Monday October 7, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm MDT
Come together for a delightful and festive dinner to commemorate and recognize the amazing 2024 Teachers of the Year!
Monday October 7, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm MDT
Aurora III/IV
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