Attending this event?

Hello SHAPE Colorado Members,

On behalf of SHAPE Colorado, I would like to welcome you to our 2024 Convention.  We are excited to offer our Pre-Convention Workshops on Sunday, October 6, and daily Conventions session on Monday and Tuesday, October 7 & 8.  The SHAPE Colorado Board has worked hard to create a convention line-up that is sure to educate, engage and excite you so you can better serve our profession and students.  

Be sure to stop by and visit the exhibitors; don’t forget to place your bids on the various silent auction items, and fist bump a SHAPE Colorado Board member while you’re at it for all of their hard work.  We also hope you will join us for the Awards Ceremony on Monday, October 7, as we recognize several HPE champions. To Register for the 2024 SHAPE Colorado Convention (cvent.com).  

Looking forward to seeing you!

Becky Wylie
SHAPE Colorado President
K-12 Physical Education clear filter
Monday, October 7

8:00am MDT

Heart Zones and win Homeball 360
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Learn how to justify your effort and participation grade with MVPA data from veteran Physical Educator Sandy Moore, MOSHAPE 2019 President. An active session with Homeball360 using Heart Zone sensors that provide instant live data and win a free Homeball360 set. FUN with SMART PE!

Session Objectives:
  • MVPA
  • Differentiated learning
  • Safety 
avatar for Sandy Moore

Sandy Moore

Sales Professional, HeartZones
Heart Zones Inc leads the Smart Physical Education movement to use heart rate and step tracking monitors to motivate, engage, and empower healthy 21st century students.Sandy Moore is a veteran Physical Educator of 33 years. She is a retired physical educator (2017) from the Wentzville... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room VI

8:00am MDT

How To Teach and Engage Post Pandemic Pupils
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
In this session we will address teaching practices specific to post pandemic behaviors through literacy, interpersonal skills, and physical activity. Within education, engaging students through movement is more important than ever. We hope you gain some simple tools to implement in your programs that will begin to address these challenges.

Session Description:

  • Participants will learn strategies to directly teach social interaction with positive responses through the “Empathy Project.” 
  • Participants will engage and practice low equipment, simple activities to increase student participation in physical education class.
  • Participants will learn direct, instructional practices for teaching expectations, student to student problem solving, and managing challenging behaviors.

avatar for Tia Ziegler

Tia Ziegler

K-8 Physical Education Teacher, Chappelow K-8 Arts School
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Aurora III

8:00am MDT

Omnikin: Have a BALL with Action-Packed Fun for All!
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Need cooperative and community-building activities that include fitness and skill development? Omnikin has you covered! This exhilarating session will feature highlights of our lightweight and non-threatening dynamic 14”-48” balls that’ll generate excitement in your PE classroom like you’ve never seen before! Your students will have a BALL!

Session Objectives:

  • Attendees will learn dynamic cooperative games to infuse excitement and teamwork into their classrooms
  • Attendees will learn fun and effective classroom management strategies throughout the session
  • Attendees will discuss and modify activities to be more effective in their respective classrooms
avatar for Scotty Williams

Scotty Williams

2823 Milton Road
Scott Williamse-mail: coordinationusa@omnikin.com(434) 806-59905Need cooperative and community-building activities that include fitness and skill development? Omnikin has you covered! This exhilarating session will feature highlights of our lightweight and nonthreatening dynamic 14... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Aurora I

9:00am MDT

A Practioners Guide to Student Safety & Supervision
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
This session utilizes case studies and scenario protocols to reveal practical steps teachers can take to help ensure a safe environment for students to learn.

Session Objectives:
  • Given a typical school-based scenario, participants can identify the potential hazards to student safety, and how to mitigate risk.  
  • Participants will identify their duty to student health & safety in their role as teacher.  
  • Participants recognize the elements of an effective safety plan.

avatar for David Yonkie

David Yonkie

K-12 Physical Education Coordinator, Jefferson County Schools
Dave Yonkie is beginning his thirtieth year in public education, and has more than forty years experience coaching youth sports.  Prior to his current role as K-12 P.E. Coordinator for JeffCo Schools, Dave honed his teaching skills as an elementary P.E. teacher in Arvada, Colorado... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room V

9:00am MDT

Lean Into Change: Strategies for Creating a Culture of Belonging
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Join the presenter on her journey, as she shares her experiences and learnings from being a person of color, growing up in a white world, with a privileged lens.  All situations are examples of what students can face on a daily basis that should be taken into consideration when planning, implementing, assessing and promoting physical education/physical activity programs. Her ability to talk authentically about trauma, race and privilege creates a space where adults can truly empathize with the challenges and struggles that children/students face on a daily basis.

Her story will change the way you see children enter your classrooms, schools and programs. Her story will change the way you show up in conversations and how you engage with other individuals. Her story will make you more compassionate, more empathetic and more aware of how to be intentional in creating equitable and inclusive environments. Participants will leave with tangible strategies on how to create environments that promote diversity and belonging.

Participants will be able to:

1) Identify a vulnerable population or under-represented group that you feel you could be more intentional with creating a more inclusive environment in physical education/physical activity settings?

2) Identify one to four strategies for creating a culture of belonging.

3) Identify at least two considerations to take back to your school/team/program to ensure the physical education/physical activity programming you offer will be more equitable, diverse and inclusive; ultimately, creating a sense of belonging for all?


Shannon Millken

I am a former physical education teacher and Past President of SHAPE Colorado. My passion has shifted over the years to being about using best, first instruction and best teaching practices to increase student learning, to serving, leading and advocating in the field of physical education... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room VIII

9:00am MDT

Street Racket
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
This activity session will introduce you to an exciting activity from Switzerland. Their motto "Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere". This game is a great addition to your net/wall curriculum.  https://streetracket.co/pages/about.   

Session Objectives:

  • Make connections to other racket/paddles sports. 
  • Discuss inclusion for all skill levels and physical disabilities. 
  • Expose our educators to an international activity and discuss a philosophy on exposing our students to international games/sports. 

avatar for Kristin Gilmore

Kristin Gilmore

Physical Education Teacher, Kearney Middle School
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Aurora I

9:00am MDT

The FUNdamentals of Juggling
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
The FUNdamentals of Juggling session is an introduction presentation to engage and encourage teachers to incorporate Juggling in their PE program. During this session, teachers will learn how to create the foundation of a juggling unit, technology inclusion, identify different levels/modifications/assessments, and practice the art of Juggling!

By the end of The FUNdamentals of Juggling session you will be able to…
  • Have a foundational understanding of how to incorporate a juggling unit in your PE program
  • Incorporate technology within a juggling unit 
  • Identify different levels, modifications, and assessment for your juggling unit
  • Demonstrate Juggling skills through practice

avatar for Bryson Davis

Bryson Davis

Physical Education Teacher K-5 Ridgeview Elementary
My name is Bryson Davis and this will be my second year teaching K-5 Physical Education at Ridgeveiw Elementary in Craig, CO. I am a current SHAPE CO board member. I have a bachelors in Sports and Exercise Science with an emphasis in Physical Education and a minor in Human Services... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Aurora III

10:20am MDT

ACTION! Team Games to Boost Engagement
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Join us for an action-packed workshop featuring team games that are class oriented, teacher friendly, and align with national physical education standards. These high-energy games are sure to get students moving while also keeping them engaged. We won’t just be playing games though; you'll also learn classroom management and skill development strategies that you can take home and implement in your program. Get ready to sweat, learn and have fun!

Session Objectives:
  • Understanding and Implementing Class-Oriented Team Games
  • Enhancing Classroom Management Skills
  • Improving Skill Development Techniques 

avatar for Lincoln Monroe

Lincoln Monroe

Territory Sales Manager, Gopher Sport
Contact:Lincoln Monroe, Territory Sales Manager, 2525 Lemond St SW, Owatonna, MN 55060Description:Gopher is proud to supply physical educators in Indiana with quality equipment to support their program goals. When you choose Gopher, you’ll always receive exceptional customer care... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Aurora I

10:20am MDT

Experience the IHT ZONE Heart Rate Monitors while playing a fast-paced game designed for MVPA!
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Experience the IHT ZONE heart rate monitor and the real-time, individualized feedback it delivers to students and teachers. To simulate your classroom setting, participants will wear the IHT ZONE while playing a fast-paced game! Learn how the IHT ZONE monitor empowers students to take ownership of their health and delivers data that connects parents, teachers and students through daily reports and links to PE and SEL/Mindfulness activities. 

Session Objectives:
  • Showcase HR monitors in PE program with activity that simulated classroom environment
  • Discuss how IHT Heart Rate monitors can impact students in PE and all day self-regulation 
  • Introduce Assessments capabilities for school and district reporting  

avatar for Brandon Wolff

Brandon Wolff

Customer Success Manager, Interactive Health Technologies
An accomplished teacher, coach and educational leader in Kansas, Brandon was an IHT customer and advisor before joining IHT. As both Account Manager and Customer Success Manager, he works closely with teachers, schools, and districts to maximize and expand their use of IHT. In 2014... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Aurora IV

10:20am MDT

From Implicit to Explicit: Practical applications of NEW Standards 3 and 4- Social and Personal Skills
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Presenters will discuss the new SHAPE America Standards 3 and 4 focusing on practical applications of developing social skills and personal skills objectives in meaningful, explicit, and relevant ways.  Participants will also be engaged in dialogue how to move beyond implicit teaching of these standards in culturally relevant and with best practices in mind.

Session Objectives:
  • Reflection of past, current and future best and culturally relevant practices
  • Assessment of centering the student/s and whole child approach
  • Create purposeful lessons that explicitly teach social and personal skills  


Dr. Nhu Nguyen

Professor, MSU
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room V

10:20am MDT

Maximizing Movement: Five for Live (K-12)
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Experience activities that engage and educate students on how to be physically literate for life! Take part in quality lessons built with inclusive warm-ups, exciting activities, and purposeful cool-downs to meet multiple objectives simultaneously.

Session Objectives:
  • Demonstrate inclusive warm-ups that prepare the body for active learning. 
  • Discuss and show best practices on content integration. 
  • Use innovative equipment to engage all students. 

avatar for Ron Malm

Ron Malm

School Health
Director of Education and Curriculum at School Health. Started Focused Fitness in 2001 and co-wrote the Five for Life Program and co-developed WELNET Software. Provided presentations on Early Learning, After School, and K-12 PE and Health since 1998. Goal is to provide students with... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room II

10:20am MDT

Sports Education Mode
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
The Sports Education Model (SEM) is a pedagogical framework designed to enhance the teaching and learning of physical education by mimicking the structure and experiences of authentic sports. Developed by Daryl Siedentop in the late 1980s, this model aims to provide students with a more engaging, enjoyable, and educational experience in PE classes. This is an old method but I hope to share my experience with it and some teaching ideas that I brought to it. 

Session Objectives:
  • Learning target #1 Understanding the structure and components of the sports education model.
  • Learning target #2 Implementing the sports education model in Physical Education classes.
  • Learning target #3 Enhancing student engagement and learning through authentic experiences.  


Seth Luebbe

Teacher/Coach, Riverside Middle School
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room VII

10:20am MDT

Tandem Games, Sport and Fitness
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Join us for an action-packed workshop featuring team games that are class oriented, teacher friendly, and align with national physical education standards. These high-energy games are sure to get students moving while also keeping them engaged. We won’t just be playing games though; you'll also learn classroom management and skill development strategies that you can take home and implement in your program. Get ready to sweat, learn and have fun!

Session Objectives:
  • Understanding and Implementing Class-Oriented Team Games
  • Enhancing Classroom Management Skills
  • Improving Skill Development Techniques 

Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Aurora III

1:15pm MDT

Building Kinder, Healthier Futures with Students & School Communities
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
The health. moves. minds.® service-learning program offers educational resources to teach positive health behavior skills, including being physically active & kind, show gratitude, how to manage stress, achieving confidence & helping others. This session will introduce participants to SHAPE America’s HMM Fundraiser and SEL resources to help students & school communities thrive!

Veronica Becerra

Graduate Assistant/PhD Candidate, University of Northern Colorado
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room VI

1:15pm MDT

Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Introduction to CORE PE curriculum system based on the NEW K-12 SHAPEAM standards. This program accounts for your teaching variables helping you design high quality PE while saving planning time when using skill breakdowns and the assessment system, making teaching more enjoyable. Free program giveaways!
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room V

1:15pm MDT

Every "Body" Is Built to Move with Meaningful Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Make Physical Education and movement experiences meaningful and help your students fall in love with it. Join us in learning, moving and finding your JOY! Let's get our MOVE on!

Session Objectives:

  • Learn what Meaningful Physical Education means
  • Apply Meaningful Physical Education to your lessons for tomorrow!
  • Find you JOY in sharing the love of Physical Education! 

avatar for Jo Dixon

Jo Dixon

District Coordinator for Health and Physical Education-Poudre School District
Jo (Jonette) Dixon is currently the District Coordinator for Physical and Health Education in the Poudre School District in Fort Collins, COJo has taught Physical Education for 24 years at the middle and high school levels in Colorado and Missouri, and spent 2 years as a District... Read More →
avatar for Jen Smith

Jen Smith

Introduction to DPS Arts & Physical Education, Denver Public Schools
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Aurora I

1:15pm MDT

Long-Term Athletic Development – Considerations for K-12 Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
From implementing a warm-up to creating a teaching session framework to programming a fitness unit, this presentation will provide a common-sense approach to implement long-term athletic development (LTAD) principles into classes beginning with the youth age groups and building outward to older student populations. 

Christopher J. Hecht

K-12 Physical Education Teacher, Kiowa School District C-2
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room VII

1:15pm MDT

Practical Application of Motor Learning Concepts for Physical Educators
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
In this session, physical educators will learn how to apply basic Motor Learning concepts and why they are important in the development of a Physically Active child/adult. 

Session Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to Demonstrate the application of Motor Learning concepts throughout their Physical Education curriculum. 
  • Participants will be to design skill development learning experiences that apply Motor Learning concepts.
  • Participants will be able to discuss how the application of Motor Learning concepts enhances neuromuscular and movement skill development.

Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Aurora IV

2:15pm MDT

Colorado Area Health and Physical Education Coordinators LIVE
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Let's Talk! The Colorado Area Health and Physical Education Coordinators are live and in person to talk shop about all the things current in our schools. Some rad advice, hot topics and ways to take your programs to the next level.

Session Objectives:
  • Meaningful Health and Physical Education practices
  • Current trends in schools regarding Health and Physical Education
  • Ways to take your program to the next level
avatar for Jen Vidal

Jen Vidal

Health and Physical Education Coordinator, Cherry Creek School District
avatar for Jen Smith

Jen Smith

Introduction to DPS Arts & Physical Education, Denver Public Schools
avatar for Kristin Gilmore

Kristin Gilmore

Physical Education Teacher, Kearney Middle School
avatar for David Yonkie

David Yonkie

K-12 Physical Education Coordinator, Jefferson County Schools
Dave Yonkie is beginning his thirtieth year in public education, and has more than forty years experience coaching youth sports.  Prior to his current role as K-12 P.E. Coordinator for JeffCo Schools, Dave honed his teaching skills as an elementary P.E. teacher in Arvada, Colorado... Read More →
avatar for Jo Dixon

Jo Dixon

District Coordinator for Health and Physical Education-Poudre School District
Jo (Jonette) Dixon is currently the District Coordinator for Physical and Health Education in the Poudre School District in Fort Collins, COJo has taught Physical Education for 24 years at the middle and high school levels in Colorado and Missouri, and spent 2 years as a District... Read More →

Clay Stansberry

Health and Physical Education District Coordinator, Adams 12 Five Start Schools

Kelli Sisson

Harrisson District 12

Laurie Lacomb

Douglas County School District

Aubrey Yeh

Boulder Valley School District

Julianna Evans

Denver Public Schools

Kenny Webb

Aurora Public Schools

Ayme Zortman

Mesa County Schools D51
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room V

3:35pm MDT

SPARK Your Students' Activity Levels Through Disguised Fitness Activities!
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Don’t miss this active, fun-filled session! Need more activities and strategies to keep your students moving? Want your students to leave your class sweating, not even realizing how much they were moving? Leave with modified games and activities to ensure high MVPA and learning plus chance to win Gopher equipment! 

Session Objectives:

*Leave with at least three strategies to increase MVPA
*Leave with at least three activities/lessons to ensure high MVPA.
*Leave with modifications & inclusionary strategies to support differentiation for all students.

Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Aurora IV

3:35pm MDT

The Power of Student Choice in K-12 Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Giving students choices in what they learn, how they learn it, and how they are assessed leads to a sense of autonomy and can increase motivation. This session will introduce basic strategies for integrating student choice into K-12 PE programs.   

Session Descriptions:

(1) Participants will be able to identify strategies for building student choice into the physical education curriculum
(2) Participants will be able to identify strategies for building student choice into learning experiences
(3) Participants will be able to identify strategies for building student choice into physical education assessments  ​​​​

avatar for Brian Dauenhauer

Brian Dauenhauer

Professor, University of Northern Colorado
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Aurora III
Tuesday, October 8

9:00am MDT

Creative Uses of Equipment on a Budget;
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
From implementing a warm-up to creating a teaching session framework to programming a fitness unit, this presentation will provide a common-sense approach to implement long-term athletic development (LTAD) principles into classes beginning with the youth age groups and building outward to older student populations. 

Session Objectives:

1)    Attendees will learn about long-term athletic development (LTAD) models as they relate to K-12 physical education, including the tenets of physical activity, physical fitness, physical education itself, and physical literacy.  
2) Attendees will learn about LTAD developmental stages to best incorporate fundamental movement skills, foundational skills, and motor skill competencies.
3) Attendees will learn how to implement LTAD into a usable framework e.g., a dynamic warm-up for elementary students, designing a middle school fitness class, and physical education for high school students and beyond.

Christopher J. Hecht

K-12 Physical Education Teacher, Kiowa School District C-2
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room II

9:00am MDT

Do You Have What it Takes?
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
This is a combination session of lecture and activity that will address quality physical education. It will dive into the four essential components of physical education and why they are important. The session will also help teachers evaluate elements of their own programs with movement activities. 

Session Objectives:

1.Participants will gain a better understanding of the 4 essential components of physical education and why they are important.
2. Participants will analyze and reflect on elements of their own PE programs.
3. Participants will engage in activities to help them determine target areas and strategies for improving their PE programs.

Leanna Lawson

PE Teacher/Doctorate Student, UNCO
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Aurora III

9:00am MDT

DotBall360: The Team Paddle Sport
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Taking paddles to a team sport.  Think volleyball: Bump, Set, Spike but with paddles.  Instead of hitting the ball over a net you hit it "Down On Table" switching possessions.  Play 2v2 or 3v3.  Teams work together offensively and defensively covering 360 degrees around the table.  Elements of Spikeball and Pickleball but easier and more dynamic.  Games can be  played virtually anywhere with easy setup, breakdown, and protected easy storage.  
FUN for all age groups and skill levels while covering a number of objective and standards all outline in our full curriculum.

Session Objectives:

  • Teamwork
  • Paddle Skills
  • FUN for everyone!   
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Aurora I

9:00am MDT

Fitness Testing: Is it Even Useful Anymore?
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
While fitness testing is considered to be a routine part of PE programs, the test administration, protocols and results are often considered to suspect. Is fitness testing relevant anymore?

Session Objectives:

  • Physical Education
  • Health
  • Technology

avatar for Dale Brown

Dale Brown

Professor, Illinois State University
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room V

10:20am MDT

Classroom Jam: Energize and Engage!
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Students spend a significant amount of school hours engaged in sedentary behaviors. This session will provide participants with examples to meaningfully integrate movement & academic content. Participants will be taught strategies to effectively manage movement in the classroom & share them with their school staff. Participants will experience movement-based classroom lessons!

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to identify various strategies to support classroom teachers with effectively managing movement in the classroom.
2. Participants will walk away with activities to meaningfully integrate movement in academic content in the classrooms.
3. Participants will gain insight pertaining to schools’ unique position to help children attain the nationally recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity.

Veronica Becerra

Graduate Assistant/PhD Candidate, University of Northern Colorado
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room VI

10:20am MDT

Empowering Physical Education: Game-Based Approach (GBA)
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Discover the transformative power of GBA, a renowned pedagogical method, in this session. Learn how to leverage games to motivate students and foster inclusivity in physical education classes. Through practical strategies and interactive discussions, educators will gain insights to create dynamic and engaging learning environments.

Session Objectives:

1) Understand the principles of Game-Based Approach (GBA) and its application in physical education settings.
2) Explore strategies to implement GBA techniques effectively to motivate students and promote inclusivity in diverse learning environments.
3) Gain practical insights and resources to design and adapt game-based activities that cater to various skill levels and learning styles in physical education classes.

Camden Kilbride

University PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Colton Johnson

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Grace Helzer

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Mei hayashizaki

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Johnovon Gilday-Fenge

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

CJ Bohenna

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

AJ Fitzpatrick

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Catherine Marion

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Rocky Moore

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Lilli Parrino

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Jordan Welsh

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Micky Smith

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Corey Scranton

PETE Student, Western Colorado University

Natsuki Murakami

PETE Student, Western Colorado University
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room II

10:20am MDT

Get FAST and FURIOUS with Omnikin
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
 Join in this fast-paced, action-packed 60 minutes of FUN that will leave your students begging for more! With everything from intense fitness games to hilarious partner tag activities to the ultimate cooperative team sport of Kin-Ball, this session will have it all! These activities and products will solidify the gym as the place to be in your school. Come join Team Omnikin today and blow your students away! 

Session Objectives:

~  The attendee will be introduced to the rules of a non-traditional team sport with unique skills and rules.
~ The attendee will learn skill development activities and lead-up games to promote student competency in participating in the sport of KinBall
~ The attendee will be given instructional strategies including game modifications to accommodate class format, facility challenges, and the diversity of student skill levels.
avatar for Scotty Williams

Scotty Williams

2823 Milton Road
Scott Williamse-mail: coordinationusa@omnikin.com(434) 806-59905Need cooperative and community-building activities that include fitness and skill development? Omnikin has you covered! This exhilarating session will feature highlights of our lightweight and nonthreatening dynamic 14... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Aurora IV

10:20am MDT

Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT

Netball, ideal for Physical Education, combines skill development with Social Emotional Learning. Players build trust and communication, enhancing empathy and camaraderie. The sport improves eye-hand coordination, agility, and reflexes, while fostering resilience and emotional intelligence, creating a holistic educational experience.

Session Objectives:
  • Participants will gain a deeper understanding, including the core principles, methodologies, and how they can be effectively applied in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. 
  • Educators will develop specific skills related equipment and strategies. This will include how to integrate technology effectively in the gym/outdoor, assess student engagement, or apply data-driven approaches to improve instructional practices. 
  • Participants will learn how to engage students through new equipment and games.  

avatar for Tim Taggart

Tim Taggart

TAGG TIME offers customized solutions to meet your needs. Whether district-wide training or specialized topic sessions, we create a personalized professional development plan aligning with SHAPE AMERICA and State standards. Invest in your professional growth with TAGG TIME to unlock... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Aurora I

10:20am MDT

Promoting Student Wellbeing: Safeguarding Measures for Supporting Concussion Recovery in Physical Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT

Physical education contributes to fitness and aids concussion recovery. Yet, safeguarding student well-being, especially against Second Impact Syndrome, is vital. Prioritizing academic return ensures cognitive function and educational progress, honoring well-being, and education's core mission: fostering growth, learning, and development in a secure environment.

Session Objectives:
  • Demonstrate steps involved after Identifying a student's brain injury
  • Recall how the student can be impacted in their learning, behavior, and other possible long-term outcomes.
  • Explain how to support the student in your class with a brain injury
avatar for Toni Grishman

Toni Grishman

Brain Injury Specialist, Colorado Department of Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room VII

11:20am MDT

Make Soccer in School Your Goal
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
Join the U.S. Soccer Foundation on the road to the 2026 FIFA World Cup! Brush up on dribbling, passing, receiving and defensive skills and learn lesson activities. Each participant will receive access to our K-12 online curriculum.

Session Objectives:
  • Teachers will actively participate in fundamental soccer skills.
  • Teachers will experience lesson activity demonstration.
  • Teachers will learn how to access the Soccer for Success in School Curriculum.

avatar for Lisa Perry

Lisa Perry

Director, Soccer for Success, U.S. Soccer Foundation
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
Aurora IV

11:20am MDT

Trauma-Informed Practices in Physical Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
This session will provide attendees with practical ideas for implementing trauma-informed practices specifically in a physical education setting.  Culturally relevant and equity centered perspectives will be presented, and participants will apply ideas to their own contexts.

Participants will be able to:
  • Define trauma and adverse childhood experiences
  • Identify trauma informed/aware practices in physical education
  • Consider culturally relevant and equity centered perspectives
  • Create a plan to extend, enhance, and expand on the ideas presented in the session
avatar for Jennifer Krause

Jennifer Krause

Associate Professor of PE & PA Leadership, University of Northern Colorado
Jennifer Krause is an Associate Professor of Physical Education and Physical Activity Leadership at the University of Northern Colorado.  Teaching and research interests include technology infusion into physical and health education and promoting physical activity in K-12 school... Read More →
avatar for Brian Dauenhauer

Brian Dauenhauer

Professor, University of Northern Colorado

Veronica Becerra

Graduate Assistant/PhD Candidate, University of Northern Colorado

Julie Bell

PhD Student and Former Early Childhood PE Teacher, University of Northern Colorado

Guancheng Lui

PhD candidate, University of Northern Colorado
avatar for Bryanna Mieles

Bryanna Mieles

Graduate Assistant/PhD Candidate, University of Northern Colorado
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
Conference Room V
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