Attending this event?

Hello SHAPE Colorado Members,

On behalf of SHAPE Colorado, I would like to welcome you to our 2024 Convention.  We are excited to offer our Pre-Convention Workshops on Sunday, October 6, and daily Conventions session on Monday and Tuesday, October 7 & 8.  The SHAPE Colorado Board has worked hard to create a convention line-up that is sure to educate, engage and excite you so you can better serve our profession and students.  

Be sure to stop by and visit the exhibitors; don’t forget to place your bids on the various silent auction items, and fist bump a SHAPE Colorado Board member while you’re at it for all of their hard work.  We also hope you will join us for the Awards Ceremony on Monday, October 7, as we recognize several HPE champions. To Register for the 2024 SHAPE Colorado Convention (cvent.com).  

Looking forward to seeing you!

Becky Wylie
SHAPE Colorado President
Conference Room V clear filter
Monday, October 7

8:00am MDT

Help Build Stronger School and State-Level Physical Education Policies for Colorado
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Strong policies improve conditions for quality PE program delivery. A multiyear national surveillance project was launched to track PE policy implementation. Session attendees will learn about this project and ways to advocate for PE in Colorado.
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room V

9:00am MDT

A Practioners Guide to Student Safety & Supervision
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
This session utilizes case studies and scenario protocols to reveal practical steps teachers can take to help ensure a safe environment for students to learn.

Session Objectives:
  • Given a typical school-based scenario, participants can identify the potential hazards to student safety, and how to mitigate risk.  
  • Participants will identify their duty to student health & safety in their role as teacher.  
  • Participants recognize the elements of an effective safety plan.

avatar for David Yonkie

David Yonkie

K-12 Physical Education Coordinator, Jefferson County Schools
Dave Yonkie is beginning his thirtieth year in public education, and has more than forty years experience coaching youth sports.  Prior to his current role as K-12 P.E. Coordinator for JeffCo Schools, Dave honed his teaching skills as an elementary P.E. teacher in Arvada, Colorado... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room V

10:20am MDT

From Implicit to Explicit: Practical applications of NEW Standards 3 and 4- Social and Personal Skills
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Presenters will discuss the new SHAPE America Standards 3 and 4 focusing on practical applications of developing social skills and personal skills objectives in meaningful, explicit, and relevant ways.  Participants will also be engaged in dialogue how to move beyond implicit teaching of these standards in culturally relevant and with best practices in mind.

Session Objectives:
  • Reflection of past, current and future best and culturally relevant practices
  • Assessment of centering the student/s and whole child approach
  • Create purposeful lessons that explicitly teach social and personal skills  


Dr. Nhu Nguyen

Professor, MSU
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room V

1:15pm MDT

Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Introduction to CORE PE curriculum system based on the NEW K-12 SHAPEAM standards. This program accounts for your teaching variables helping you design high quality PE while saving planning time when using skill breakdowns and the assessment system, making teaching more enjoyable. Free program giveaways!
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room V

2:15pm MDT

Colorado Area Health and Physical Education Coordinators LIVE
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Let's Talk! The Colorado Area Health and Physical Education Coordinators are live and in person to talk shop about all the things current in our schools. Some rad advice, hot topics and ways to take your programs to the next level.

Session Objectives:
  • Meaningful Health and Physical Education practices
  • Current trends in schools regarding Health and Physical Education
  • Ways to take your program to the next level
avatar for Jen Vidal

Jen Vidal

Health and Physical Education Coordinator, Cherry Creek School District
avatar for Jen Smith

Jen Smith

Introduction to DPS Arts & Physical Education, Denver Public Schools
avatar for Kristin Gilmore

Kristin Gilmore

Physical Education Teacher, Kearney Middle School
avatar for David Yonkie

David Yonkie

K-12 Physical Education Coordinator, Jefferson County Schools
Dave Yonkie is beginning his thirtieth year in public education, and has more than forty years experience coaching youth sports.  Prior to his current role as K-12 P.E. Coordinator for JeffCo Schools, Dave honed his teaching skills as an elementary P.E. teacher in Arvada, Colorado... Read More →
avatar for Jo Dixon

Jo Dixon

District Coordinator for Health and Physical Education-Poudre School District
Jo (Jonette) Dixon is currently the District Coordinator for Physical and Health Education in the Poudre School District in Fort Collins, COJo has taught Physical Education for 24 years at the middle and high school levels in Colorado and Missouri, and spent 2 years as a District... Read More →

Clay Stansberry

Health and Physical Education District Coordinator, Adams 12 Five Start Schools

Kelli Sisson

Harrisson District 12

Laurie Lacomb

Douglas County School District

Aubrey Yeh

Boulder Valley School District

Julianna Evans

Denver Public Schools

Kenny Webb

Aurora Public Schools

Ayme Zortman

Mesa County Schools D51
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room V

3:35pm MDT

Supporting Students During the Coming Out Process: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Explore the complexities of the coming out process, why it's challenging, and how each scenario is unique. We'll cover essential dos and don'ts for supporting students, with an emphasis on creating inclusive PE environments. If time permits, engage in small group discussions on supporting individuals in health/PE during their coming out journey.
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Conference Room V
Tuesday, October 8

9:00am MDT

Fitness Testing: Is it Even Useful Anymore?
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
While fitness testing is considered to be a routine part of PE programs, the test administration, protocols and results are often considered to suspect. Is fitness testing relevant anymore?

Session Objectives:

  • Physical Education
  • Health
  • Technology

avatar for Dale Brown

Dale Brown

Professor, Illinois State University
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room V

10:20am MDT

Traverse Climbing Wall Activities & Tips
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Looking for ideas and activities for a traverse climbing wall? Attendees will discover a variety of dynamic climbing wall activities that develop physical, social-emotional and cognitive skills at beginner, intermediate and advanced climbing levels. This comprehensive presentation also reviews best practices and safety/risk management protocols and provides valuable teaching tips. 

Session Objectives:

1.    Learn climbing wall best practices including basic climbing techniques, safety and risk management protocols.
2. See how to facilitate a variety of climbing wall activities that help develop physical, social-emotional and cognitive skills.
3.    Acquire a library of rock-climbing activities differentiated for varied ability levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced).
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room V

11:20am MDT

Trauma-Informed Practices in Physical Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
This session will provide attendees with practical ideas for implementing trauma-informed practices specifically in a physical education setting.  Culturally relevant and equity centered perspectives will be presented, and participants will apply ideas to their own contexts.

Participants will be able to:
  • Define trauma and adverse childhood experiences
  • Identify trauma informed/aware practices in physical education
  • Consider culturally relevant and equity centered perspectives
  • Create a plan to extend, enhance, and expand on the ideas presented in the session
avatar for Jennifer Krause

Jennifer Krause

Associate Professor of PE & PA Leadership, University of Northern Colorado
Jennifer Krause is an Associate Professor of Physical Education and Physical Activity Leadership at the University of Northern Colorado.  Teaching and research interests include technology infusion into physical and health education and promoting physical activity in K-12 school... Read More →
avatar for Brian Dauenhauer

Brian Dauenhauer

Professor, University of Northern Colorado

Veronica Becerra

Graduate Assistant/PhD Candidate, University of Northern Colorado

Julie Bell

PhD Student and Former Early Childhood PE Teacher, University of Northern Colorado

Guancheng Lui

PhD candidate, University of Northern Colorado
avatar for Bryanna Mieles

Bryanna Mieles

Graduate Assistant/PhD Candidate, University of Northern Colorado
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
Conference Room V
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