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Hello SHAPE Colorado Members,

On behalf of SHAPE Colorado, I would like to welcome you to our 2024 Convention.  We are excited to offer our Pre-Convention Workshops on Sunday, October 6, and daily Conventions session on Monday and Tuesday, October 7 & 8.  The SHAPE Colorado Board has worked hard to create a convention line-up that is sure to educate, engage and excite you so you can better serve our profession and students.  

Be sure to stop by and visit the exhibitors; don’t forget to place your bids on the various silent auction items, and fist bump a SHAPE Colorado Board member while you’re at it for all of their hard work.  We also hope you will join us for the Awards Ceremony on Monday, October 7, as we recognize several HPE champions. To Register for the 2024 SHAPE Colorado Convention (cvent.com).  

Looking forward to seeing you!

Becky Wylie
SHAPE Colorado President
Conference Room VII clear filter
Monday, October 7

8:00am MDT

A Think-Feel-Do Thermostat Model for Better Mental Health
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
This visual can help both teachers and students see the important relationships between thoughts, feelings and behavior, where they are emotionally and behaviorally at any moment, the cognitive reasons they are there, where they want to be emotionally and behaviorally instead, and what it will take cognitively to get there.

Ray Mathis

Mental Health Educator (retired health teacher), Chicago Institute for Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room VII

9:00am MDT

CO Higher Ed Roundtable
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
We’re bringing back an old tradition of gathering higher ed faculty in CO for a roundtable discussion on current topics and space for faculty to network.

Session Objectives:

1. Faculty networking 
2. Higher Ed community building
3. Problem of practice and solution generation 

Dr. Nhu Nguyen

Professor, MSU
avatar for Dr. Kanae Haneshi

Dr. Kanae Haneshi

Associate Professor, Western Colorado University
I moved from North Dakota where I was the Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Human Performance and the program coordinator for Physical Education and Teacher Education (PETE) at Valley City State University. Prior to teaching in North Dakota, I was in Massachusetts where I was... Read More →
avatar for Jennifer Krause

Jennifer Krause

Associate Professor of PE & PA Leadership, University of Northern Colorado
Jennifer Krause is an Associate Professor of Physical Education and Physical Activity Leadership at the University of Northern Colorado.  Teaching and research interests include technology infusion into physical and health education and promoting physical activity in K-12 school... Read More →
avatar for Brian Dauenhauer

Brian Dauenhauer

Professor, University of Northern Colorado
Monday October 7, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room VII

10:20am MDT

Sports Education Mode
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
The Sports Education Model (SEM) is a pedagogical framework designed to enhance the teaching and learning of physical education by mimicking the structure and experiences of authentic sports. Developed by Daryl Siedentop in the late 1980s, this model aims to provide students with a more engaging, enjoyable, and educational experience in PE classes. This is an old method but I hope to share my experience with it and some teaching ideas that I brought to it. 

Session Objectives:
  • Learning target #1 Understanding the structure and components of the sports education model.
  • Learning target #2 Implementing the sports education model in Physical Education classes.
  • Learning target #3 Enhancing student engagement and learning through authentic experiences.  


Seth Luebbe

Teacher/Coach, Riverside Middle School
Monday October 7, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room VII

1:15pm MDT

Long-Term Athletic Development – Considerations for K-12 Physical Education
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
From implementing a warm-up to creating a teaching session framework to programming a fitness unit, this presentation will provide a common-sense approach to implement long-term athletic development (LTAD) principles into classes beginning with the youth age groups and building outward to older student populations. 

Christopher J. Hecht

K-12 Physical Education Teacher, Kiowa School District C-2
Monday October 7, 2024 1:15pm - 2:05pm MDT
Conference Room VII

2:15pm MDT

Teaching a simple formula for how life really can empower
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Most people believe that what others say and do, and what happens makes them feel the way they do. However, that’s not how life really works. Teaching them a simple formula for how life really unfolds can empower them to feel better and protect them from the attacks of others. 

1)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach students a simple formula for how life really unfolds
2)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach students how to use this formula to feel and behave better
3)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach students how to use this formula to protect themselves against the verbal and cyber attacks of others


Ray Mathis

Mental Health Educator (retired health teacher), Chicago Institute for Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy
Monday October 7, 2024 2:15pm - 3:05pm MDT
Conference Room VII

3:35pm MDT

Is my health class actually skills-based?
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
In this session, we will focus on the structures and practices we use to help students take ownership of the health skills. We will introduce the workshop model as a template for lesson design and individualize instruction through conferring.

Session Objectives:

1. I can structure a lesson using workshop model
2. I can use conferring to gauge student understanding of a health skill or topic
3. I can articulate how workshop model protects time for conferring
Monday October 7, 2024 3:35pm - 4:25pm MDT
Conference Room VII
Tuesday, October 8

8:00am MDT

Four simple tools to help both teachers and students achieve better mental health
Tuesday October 8, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
The four “tools” are Unconditional Self-Acceptance, developing an internal locus of control, recognizing irrational thinking in yourself and others, and challenging and correcting irrational thinking. Learn how to use these “tools” to improve your own mental health and to teach students to use them to improve their mental health. 

Session Objectives:
1)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach and encourage students to have Unconditional Self-Acceptance
2)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach students how to have an internal locus of control
3)At the end of this session participants will be able to teach students how to recognize and correct common types of irrational thinking


Ray Mathis

Mental Health Educator (retired health teacher), Chicago Institute for Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy
Tuesday October 8, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am MDT
Conference Room VII

9:00am MDT

Early Childhood Physical Education and Activity Promotion
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
An overview of guidelines, recommendations, and benefits for young children will be presented to equip those attending with the knowledge and skills to effectivity promote physical activity and wellness. A variety of PE activities and strategies to integrate movement in the general classroom will be shared and demonstrated.

Session Objectives:

1) Become familiar with the new SHAPE standards and the inclusion of PreK standards.
2) Discover age-appropriate activities to use in preschool physical education classes.
3) Learn strategies for integrating physical activity into early childhood classrooms to share with classroom teachers.


Julie Bell

PhD Student and Former Early Childhood PE Teacher, University of Northern Colorado
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
Conference Room VII

10:20am MDT

Promoting Student Wellbeing: Safeguarding Measures for Supporting Concussion Recovery in Physical Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT

Physical education contributes to fitness and aids concussion recovery. Yet, safeguarding student well-being, especially against Second Impact Syndrome, is vital. Prioritizing academic return ensures cognitive function and educational progress, honoring well-being, and education's core mission: fostering growth, learning, and development in a secure environment.

Session Objectives:
  • Demonstrate steps involved after Identifying a student's brain injury
  • Recall how the student can be impacted in their learning, behavior, and other possible long-term outcomes.
  • Explain how to support the student in your class with a brain injury
avatar for Toni Grishman

Toni Grishman

Brain Injury Specialist, Colorado Department of Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:20am - 11:10am MDT
Conference Room VII

11:20am MDT

Preparing Middle School Student Athletes for High Sports
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
This session will help prepare middle school student athletes for high school sports.  The transition from middle school sport to high school sports can be difficult and this presentation will help you prepare your middle school athletes to complete that transition successfully.

Session Objectives:

1) Attendees will understand the importance of preparing middle school student athletes for high school sport.
2) Attendees will understand the importance of preparing middle school athletes not only physically but mentally for high school sports/academics.
3)Attendees will leave with ideas on how to incorporate a middle school student athlete training program.

Jeremy Leike

Physical Education Teacher/Head Girls Basketball Coach, Englewood Middle School
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:20am - 12:10pm MDT
Conference Room VII
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